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Training Materials

As High Performance Fortran has gained in popularity, a number of courses have emerged on the internet. Some commercial courses are also available.

A very complete, popular, and downloadable course can be found at the EPCC Training and Education Centre. Fortran 90 and HPF courses can likewise be downloaded from the University at Liverpool.

Chuck Koelbel's talk can be found at . Tom Haupt's very spiffy and colorful tutorial can be found at . The University of Manchester also presents an HPF course and links to some of the other courses mentioned in this section. For this collection, go to . An excellent tutorial by David LaFrance-Linden tells how to combine HPF with message passing libraries (such as MPI).

A printed tutorial by Merlin and Hey is definitely worth reading for additional insight into coding in HPF [141]. Another tutorial appeared in the Proceedings of Supeur'96, by Resch and Geiger [161].

Cornell has a growing set of HPF tutorials . Cornell's Case Study tutorial, for example, can be reached at This tutorial codes the same problem in MPI, xHPF, XL HPF, and PGHPF. In fact, it was used by several HPF compiler vendors to shake down their implementation of INDEPENDENT.

An Afterthought

Charles Severance, then at MSU, noted in May 1996 while arguing that cache coherence was not going to be our savior when we move to NUMA platforms,

Once HPF has decomposed data the right way, you don't need cache-coherency anymore...I'm not saying HPF is the future or the answer, but it is possible to understand the true interactions of the data. Because if you couldn't, you couldn't make HPF work.
- HPCWIRE 05.03.96, Alan Beck, ``Shedding CACHE coherence key to NUMA success''.

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Donna Bergmark